Id Or Eid what is correct
In the seventh century, a new faith appeared in the world. This faith was revealed to the prophet, Muhammad and its name is Islam, which is an Arabic word meaning submission to the will of God. The followers of Islam are called Muslims. They believe in one god, whom they call Allah, who is eternal and created the universe. They also believe that Allah sent Prophet Muhammad to the earth to tell people how to live their lives.
Muslims celebrate several important events in Muhammad's life- his birthday and the Quran receiving day from Angel Gabriel, but their most important festival is Id. The ninth month of the Islamic year is Ramadan or Ramazan, the month of fasting. Ramadan is the holiest and happiest period in a Muslim's life. The festival lasts for a month. They fast for the whole month without taking anything during the day. They pray god five times a day with the help of Nawaz. They do special pray on Fridays.
The festival Ramadan ends with Id, and Id festival starts with a light meal and the meeting at the mosque for prayers where they give thanks for a successful fast. After prayers, there are parties at which people eat special and delicious food like sweets, cakes etc. They also invite their neighbors. They exchange their cards and presents. They greet saying- 'Id Mubarak' which means 'Happy Id'. Before festival people give money to the poor so that everyone can join in the celebration.
In the end, this festival makes a person happy because of fasting and praying. It also develops humanitarian feelings of brotherhood by giving something to the poor.
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