Buying Islamic Gifts For Eid Milad-un-Nabi
The Gregorian month of February 2010 also marks the beginning of the Islamic holy month of Rabi-ul-Aw'al. This Islamic month is a great time for rejoice and celebration as it brings the joyous occasion of the Prophet Muhammad's (P.B.U.H.) birth along with it. Although there is no verified proof about the date, it is still celebrated in this month as it holds great religious significance for the followers of Islam.

Muslims all over the world celebrate this month with holy gathering called Milad's and prayers for their beloved Prophet. Just as Christianity celebrates Christmas with gift giving for their loved ones, Muslims treat their friends and family with special Islamic gifts to celebrate this blessed month.
Eid Milad-un-Nabi is a sacred and pious month and is the time of the year when many Muslims hold religious gatherings in honour of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), so the Islamic gifts given are chosen with special care to represent the occasion and celebrate the month. The most commonly gifted items during the month of Rabi-ul-Aw'al include:
Attars: These concentrated Islamic perfumes were very special to the Prophet; therefore people appreciate this form of Islamic gifts a lot.
CD's of Na'ats: Na'at is a form of Islamic poetry that is specifically praises the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). These Na'at CD's are very thoughtful Islamic gifts for the fans and followers of the Prophet.
Miniature Replicas of Masjid-e-Nabvi: Small and large, all types of replicas are available of the beautiful and significant mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia, that is one of the most visited holy monument in Islam. Receiving a replica of the mosque as Islamic gifts is highly appreciated by the followers of the Prophet Muhammad.
Islamic books about the life of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.): Another type of well received Islamic gifts includes books about the life, personality or habits of the Prophet. As all Muslims want to lead their lives according to the teachings of the Prophet, they love to read books about him to gain a better knowledge about his way of life.
Books of Quranic verses in praise of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.): Quranic verses in praise of the Prophet are known as "Darood". There are a number of Daroods and books containing a collection of them also make suitable gifts for Eid Milad-un-Nabi.
Prayer mats with pictures of Masjid-e-Nabvi: Praying is a part of a Muslim's life, which is practiced five times daily. Therefore prayer mats also make excellent Islamic gifts for this auspicious occasion.
These are just a few ideas, other Islamic gifts for this Eid also include authentic rose water, praying beads, jubbas, dates and other articles that were well liked and used by the Prophet himself. These gifts not only indicate the importance of this divine month and event, but also act as symbol of love between the giver and receiver.
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